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Table 4 Variance in populations of Orissa due to ethnicity, language and history of origin at three different levels of hierarchy analysed with 15 autosomal STR loci

From: Influence of language and ancestry on genetic structure of contiguous populations: A microsatellite based study on populations of Orissa



Populations in group

% of total variance (p values)


Within population

Between population within group

Between groups


Castes vs Tribes

(OB, KY, KR, GP) vs (JU, PR, SA)

98.84 (0.00)

0.83 (0.00)

0.34 (0.03)


Indo-European vs Austro-Asiatic vs Dravidian

(OB, KY, KR, GP) vs (JU, SA) vs (PR)

98.86 (0.00)

0.79 (0.00)

0.34 (0.05)

History of Origin

European vs Austro-Asiatic vs Admixed Gene Pool

(OB, KR) vs (JU, SA) vs (KY, GP, PR)

98.91 (0.00)

0.84 (0.00)

0.25 (0.06)